Episode 5: Glen E. Friedman


In the fifth episode of Missing Words, we sat down with famed photographer Glen E. Friedman

Friedman has created some of the most iconic music, pop culture, and skateboarding photography since the mid-seventies. 

His highly referenced books Fuck You HeroesFuck You Too, The Idealist, and My Rules showcased and presented worlds that were not being given the spotlight at that time. From Tony Alva to Stacy Peralta; Black Flag to Minor Threat; Bad Brains to Fugazi; Beastie Boys to Public Enemy; and Run-DMC to LL Cool J. His work has only become more influential over time and his style is often replicated but never truly duplicated. 

We discussed how to get and process the news in the midst of a non-stop media blitz during Trump and the dangers of fighting political allies. Also, the tactics and unspoken rules of taking photos at concerts, his life in CA and NYC, and much more.

Check out episode 5 below. 

Here is just a peek at some of Glen's incredible work. 


I want to thank Glen Friedman for taking the time to speak with me on the phone. Be sure to check out his blog and follow him on Instagram and you can pick up his work and get news about his latest projects with Burning Flags Press.

I want to thank Dischord Records for allowing us to use the music in this episode. 

Thanks to Bill Shouldis for producing this episode. 

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